Modern Slavery Statement 2022

Modern Slavery Statement 2022
Giejo Holdings Limited (formerly Giejo International Limited)

Modern Slavery Statement


At Monroe Vapor Online Magazine, we are committed to upholding ethical business practices and ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking have no place in our operations or supply chains. We recognize our responsibility to take steps to combat these heinous crimes and protect human rights. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines our commitment to addressing modern slavery and the actions we are taking to mitigate its risks.

Our Policies and Commitments:

  1. Compliance with Laws: We fully comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to modern slavery and human trafficking. This includes but is not limited to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and other relevant legislation in the jurisdictions in which we operate.
  2. Zero Tolerance: We maintain a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery in all its forms, including forced labor, child labor, human trafficking, and debt bondage. We will not knowingly engage in any activities that contribute to or perpetuate these abuses.
  3. Supplier Due Diligence: We are committed to conducting thorough due diligence on our suppliers and partners to ensure they share our values and commitment to combating modern slavery. We carefully select and work with suppliers who adhere to ethical standards and respect human rights.
  4. Supply Chain Transparency: We strive to enhance transparency within our supply chains. This includes identifying and mapping our suppliers and conducting regular risk assessments to identify areas of potential vulnerability to modern slavery.
  5. Supplier Audits and Assessments: We conduct audits and assessments of our suppliers to evaluate their compliance with our ethical standards and identify any risks related to modern slavery. We expect our suppliers to maintain appropriate labor practices, fair wages, and safe working conditions.
  6. Employee Awareness and Training: We are committed to raising awareness and providing training to our employees on the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking. This empowers them to identify and report any suspicious activities or potential cases of modern slavery.
  7. Reporting Mechanisms: We have established channels for reporting concerns or suspicions of modern slavery within our organization and supply chains. We encourage all employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to raise any issues they may come across.
  8. Continuous Improvement: We are dedicated to continually reviewing and improving our policies, practices, and due diligence processes to ensure that we are effectively addressing the risks of modern slavery. We collaborate with relevant stakeholders, industry partners, and experts to stay informed and enhance our efforts.

Our Future Commitments:

We are committed to the ongoing fight against modern slavery and will continue to strengthen our practices. In the future, we aim to:

  • Conduct regular reviews and risk assessments to identify emerging risks and vulnerabilities within our operations and supply chains.
  • Collaborate with industry partners, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and government bodies to share best practices, promote transparency, and contribute to the eradication of modern slavery.
  • Engage our stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, and employees, in the conversation about modern slavery, encouraging their active participation and support.
  • Publish annual updates on our progress in combating modern slavery and human trafficking, including relevant initiatives, challenges, and achievements.


At Monroe Vapor Online Magazine, we are committed to promoting ethical practices, protecting human rights, and eradicating modern slavery. We recognize the importance of collective action in tackling these issues and are dedicated to working with our suppliers, employees, customers, and stakeholders to ensure a slavery-free supply chain and contribute to a more just and equitable world.

This statement has been approved by the management of Monroe Vapor Online Magazine and will be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect our ongoing efforts and progress.

Date: 19 June 2023